Tuesday 13 October 2015

Gusto and Gecko Travel to Kenya Written by Longy Han and Illustrated By Elinor Hagg (Review)

My Review

Gusto & Gecko is so beautiful to hold and look at. The publishing is very impressive and of such a high quality. The embossing on the front cover creates a lovely feel to run your fingers across. The glossy, bright illustrations make it delightful.

This story is such fun to read! We (Miss 7, Mr 9 and I) loved reading it aloud. My daughter quickly caught on to the repetitive parts that she wanted to read and have a turn at. It didn't take them long to catch on to this clever feature. It is a great way to draw the emerging reader in and read themselves. Han takes the reader on a frolicking, hide and seek adventure through Kenya. She introduces some special African animals along the way. Through using Gusto and Gecko as guides the story travels through the jungle in a fun and engaging way.

The illustrations are perfect for the story. Hagg offers such talent with lots to look at on each page. Adults and children alike can search the pages looking for hidden detail. We loved the similar pattern for Gusto and Gecko to hide amongst each animal as they were introduced. The kids loved trying to find them amongst the other animals and their habitat.

 Congratulations on a fabulous debut PSB!

Want to hear more about this book? You are invited to the Melbourne launch!

Longy Han successfully crowdfunded Gusto and Gecko Travel to Kenya. She has recently launched her second campaign for Gusto and Gecko travel to New Orleans.

Longy's aim for the second campaign is
"As a way to give back to the community, for every book you buy through this Kickstarter campaign, I will donate a book to selected charities, public libraries and children’s hospitals around Australia. So every time you buy a G&G book, someone else gets one too. You help open a door for those less fortunate and we can promote literacy together."

Gusto & Gecko Kickstarter Campaign 2015

Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/gustoandgecko

Webpage is: http://gustoandgecko.com/

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